Aus Ungarn erreicht uns dieser dringende Aufruf nach Unterstützung. Da sich drastische Angriffe auf die Freiheit der Kunst, die Finanzierung der freien Szene und die Autonomie der Stadttheater ankündigen und das Ganze schon am 11.12.19 vom Parlament abgesegnet werden soll, ist unser Handeln sofort, per Email oder Petition, gefragt. Seid solidarisch, es geht um die Freiheit der Kunst unserer Kolleg*innen!

Dear Friends,

we would like to inform you about a sudden, lethal, unprepared, undiscussed structural change of the performing arts funding in Hungary.

A proposal leaked out from the Ministry of Human Resources earlier this week including three major changes:

– Cutting the operational funds of the independent performing arts scene – this concerns practically all independent venues and production houses, as well as theatre and dance companies and collectives.

– The reorganization /practically speaking closing of the National Cultural Fund, that has been responsible for the funding of arts projects, new work and distribution as well as the support of self financing of CE projects.

– Giving the right to the minister of human resources to appoint the directors of city theatres around the country – which is now the right of the mayors being the elected representative of that community.

All this is planned to pass to the Parliament next Wednesday without any discussion with the stakeholders. The new system shall come into force as of 1 January 2020.

We would like to ask you to help us in our campaign by raising your voice. 


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